Visage News Update
We’ve had a busy summer with exciting news!
Yale New Haven Health Go-Live
During the last week of July, Yale New Haven Health (“YNHHS”) went live with the Visage 7 Enterprise Imaging Platform. At the peak of the go-live, nearly 40,000 imaging studies were displayed in a single day for diagnostic interpretation and clinical access by over 1,700 unique end users.
Yale’s 170 radiologists and thousands of clinicians now have an ultrafast, clinically rich, state-of-the-art enterprise imaging platform that is instantly accessible across Connecticut’s largest health system.
Dr. Irena Tocino, FACR, Professor and Vice Chair of Medical Informatics, Yale School of Medicine commented:
I am pleased to say that with everybody’s help we have made a successful transition to our new PACS and to a new phase in our department. The Visage team is exceptional, showing great flexibility and quickly adjusting to the ever-changing needs and expectations of users.
Mercy Gains with Visage 7 Open Archive
As a result [of Mercy’s Deconstructed PACS strategy], radiologists have gained between 30 and 50 percent efficiency.